BA Program in Social Sciences is based on the principles of Liberal Arts Education. This implies movement from general to specific and the integration of different disciplines within a unified context. In the first and second years of studies, the program offers the courses in the fundamental fields of social sciences. In the third year, the students choose a minor out of the three options to gain substantial knowledge in a chosen specialty. The program is designed in such a way that a particular emphasis is placed on personal growth and the development of individual abilities. the first and second years of social sciences, students throughout all four years is placed and the development and expression
What will I learn?
This four-year program comprises several stages.
At the first stage you will acquire basic knowledge in the main fields of social sciences. Along with the world’s spiritual, artistic, philosophical and scientific heritage, the main principles of civic consciousness, the essence of the state and its functioning, democratic governance, liberal values and human rights, you will acquire basic knowledge in anthropology, psychology, sociology, human geography, etc. You will also take intensive English courses, will develop communication skills and logical and critical thinking and familiarize yourself with modern research standards.
From the third year, you can choose an additional specialty (minor) out of the below options:
Who Will I Become?
Upon graduation, you will be awarded a Bachelor’s degree in social sciences, specifying the relevant minor.
Graduates of the Social Sciences Bachelor program will be able to use the acquired knowledge in private and public, non-governmental and international organizations, in any area, where there is a demand for qualified specialists who have a thorough understanding of the characteristics and dynamics of society, its small and large groups.
Admission Quota - 40
Program code: 1530108
Language of Study: Georgian
Mandatory Subjects for National Exams 2025 Admission:
1. Georgian language and literature
2. Any foreign language
3. One of the following subjects: History, Mathematics or Geography
The Bachelor of Social Sciences is designed for individuals who have completed secondary
education and have successfully passed the Unified National Examinations.
Freshmen Registration
Registration of undergraduate students is carried out electronically:
Students should submit the following documents to register for the undergraduate program:
1. Required Admission Documents
Students should submit the following documents to register for the undergraduate program:
2. Student Contract Signing Procedures:
After the student has completed online registration, he/she must appear at the university (Tbilisi, Rustavi highway #22a).
Tuition fee: 4200 GEL per one academic year
During the first year:
1000 GEL funding is envisaged for all students with state grants (100%,70%).
During the second year:
Students whose GPA will be 3.5 and above will benefit from a discount of up to 1000 GEL, according to the ranking:
- 1000 GEL
- 900 GEL
- 800 GEL
- 700 GEL
- 600 GEL
* Students with the highest GPA scale (4.0) get 100% scholarship for the following semester
Payment instructions:
Bank Requisites:
JSC "TBC Bank"
Bank Code (MFO): TBCB GE 22
Name of the Recipient - NNLE Georgian Institute of Public Affairs
Account Number - GE84TB1100000110700419 / GEL
* In the appointment, indicate the student's name, surname, personal number, and the name of the study program.
Troy University (USA Troy/Alabama)
Northern Arizona University, NAU; (USA)
University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
The Hague University of Applied Sciences (Holland)
Lille Catholic University (France)
EDHEC Business School (France)
Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
University of Wyoming (USA, Laramie, Wyoming)
University of Cagliari (Italy, Cagliari)
University of Perugia (Italy, Perugia)
University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia, Bratislava)
University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria, Sofia)
University of Economics, Prague (Czech Republic, Prague)
University of Dąbrowa Górnicza (Poland, Dąbrowa Górnicza)
Berlin School of Economics and Law (Germany, Berlin)
Salome Tchkadua
Program Coordinator