
Nato Bachiashvili

Invited Lecturer

Email: icgs.geo@gmail.com

A brief description of the experience

Lawyer. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State Univercity. Faculty of Law. Master. PHD Student of Grigol Robakidze Univercity 

She has extensive work experience in state agencies, academia and NGO: 

From 2012 to 2021 -  invited lecturer at the National Defense Academy of Georgia; 

Since 2015 - invited lecturer at Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA). 

Since 2014 - chairperson of the International Center for Geopolitical Studies (ICGS Georgia);

Since 2023 - board member of the Georgian Strategic Analysis Centre. 

For years, Nato Bachiashvili has been working on issues related to the Georgia’s state system, powersharing within the constitutional bodies; conflict resolution and confidence building related issues and other aspects of the international law and international relations. She successfully implemented large number of civil awareness rising projects on Georgia's EU and Euro-Atlantic integration; Russian hybrid warfare and “soft power”, conflict resolution, negotiation skills and national security.


  • Negotiation and mediation  -  UN Women, NATO Liaison Office,:  
  • Certificate course on long term election observer  - OSCE/ODIHR;
  • Certificate course : ” Hybrid Warfare Challenges and Georgia” - National Difence University – NDU.  USA 
  • Highest National Defence course . MOD Georgia: Defence Institution Building School Georgia; NATO PDD;
  • Certificate course on Public Diplomacy for representatives of Partner Countries -NATO HQ; NATO PDD.


  • 2023 – Project for students who are living alongside of the occupation line of Shida Kartli region: “NATO - Success Story ”. NATO PDD. 2023. 
  • 2023 - project “Resilient ethnic minorities as a response to disinformation and hybrid threats” lecturer on Hybrid warfare;
  • 2021-2022 - Project: "Sharing international experiences on conflict resolution" for representatives of Georgian civil society and academic circles;
  • Workshop “Negotiations and Peace Process Architecture”- for High Officials of Georgian Government who are involve in the Geneva Discussions Negotiation and peace building . – 
  • Research: „Following the Disinformation” during the election period,   2020- 2021

Research interests: 

Georgia’s state system, powersharing within the constitutional bodies; conflict resolution and confidence building related issues and other aspects of the international law and international relations; Georgia's EU and Euro-Atlantic integration; Russian hybrid warfare and “soft power”, negotiation skills and national security.