Political Sciences

Ongoing processes in the contemporary world continue to underscore the importance of studying power dynamics at both international and local levels, which is one of the central focuses of the Bachelor’s Program in Political Science.

The objective of the Bachelor’s Program in Political Science is to educate students on the fundamental forms of governance and provide them with comprehensive knowledge about state management, democratic systems, civil activism, liberal values, and the core principles of human rights.

What Will I Learn?

Forms and Methods of Governance: Democratic Governance (Parliamentary, Presidential and Semi-Presidential Political Systems), Totalitarianism and Authoritarianism, Hybrid Regimes, Principles of the separation of government into executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

Political Ideologies:  Core values of liberalism, conservatism, socialism, feminism, ecologism, anarchism, nationalism, and other political ideologies.

Political Marketing and Communication: Electoral Campaigns, Image of Politicians and the State, Long-term and short-term strategies for the state, Political Communication and Media Strategies.

Local and International Governance: State Structure and Political System of Georgia, Foreign Policy of Georgia, International Relations, Geopolitics and Globalization, European Union Policy, National Security.

Political Research and Analysis: Research Methods, Civil Society and Political Parties, Conflicts, Economics, Social Policy, Public Policy Analysis, Elections and Political Activism.

Who Will I Become?

In four years, you will become a political analyst.

You will be able to work in state institutions (both central and municipal levels), as well as in non-governmental and private organizations.

You will be able to prepare analytical and research documents and develop recommendations for state institutions, non-governmental organizations, and political parties. You will be able to provide political consulting services to political parties, including creating ideological profiles and planning marketing and communication strategies. Additionally, you will be able to work as a political analyst in media organizations.


Admission Quota - 25

Program code: 1530105

Language of Study: Georgian

Mandatory Subjects for National Exams 2025 Admission:

1. Georgian language and literature
2. Any foreign language
3. One of the following subjects: History, Mathematics, Geography or Civic Education

The Bachelor of Political Sciences is designed for individuals who have completed secondary
education and have successfully passed the Unified National Examinations.

Freshmen Registration

Registration of undergraduate students is carried out electronically: https://portal.gipa.ge/bachelor

Students should submit the following documents to register for the undergraduate program:

1. Required Admission Documents

Students should submit the following documents to register for the undergraduate program:

  • A copy of the ID card
  • Certificate of secondary education (original, copy). If the certificate was not issued in Georgia, it must be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity
  • Photo (3x4)
  • A copy of the document confirming military registration (for men)
  • Receipt confirming the payment of 25% of the annual tuition fee. If the entrant has obtained a
    study grant, the amount of money to be paid by him before registration is a quarter of the
    difference between the fee and the grant provided for by the educational program

 2. Student Contract Signing Procedures: 

After the student has completed online registration, he/she must appear at the university (Tbilisi, Rustavi highway #22a).

The annual fee for the program: 3600 GEL


During the first year, 1000 GEL funding is envisaged for all students with state grants (100%,70%).

During the second year: 

Students whose GPA will be 3.5 and above will benefit from a discount of up to 1000 GEL, according to the ranking:

- 1000 GEL

- 900 GEL

- 800 GEL

- 700 GEL

- 600 GEL

* Students with the highest GPA scale (4.0) get 100% scholarship for the following semester

Payment instructions:
Tuition fees must be paid to the university account.

*  indicate the student's name, surname, personal number, and the name of the
study program.

Payment instructions:

Bank Requisites:

JSC "TBC Bank"

Bank Code (MFO): TBCB GE 22

Name of the Recipient - NNLE Georgian Institute of Public Affairs

Account Number - GE84TB1100000110700419 / GEL

* In the appointment, indicate the student's name, surname, personal number, and the name of the study program.

Levan Buskandze

Coordinator of the undergraduate program in Political Sciences

E-mail: l.buskandze@gipa.ge

Mob: (+995) 597 491 717

Address: Tbilisi, Rustavi highway #22a