Applied Psychology


》 Online Registration Form For Admission

Application submission:

From 17 September - 4 September

The academic year starts on the 14th of September

For detailed information:

Coordinator of the program

Name of the Educational Program:  Master’s Program in Psychology

Qualification to be awarded:  Master in Psychology

Amount of Program in Credits:  120 ECTS

The language of Instruction:  Georgian

Level of Higher Education: Master’s Degree

Type of the Educational Program: Academic

Purpose of the Program;

The Master Education Program in Applied Psychology is oriented for students to acquire:

  • In-depth and systematic knowledge in political and management psychology, its concepts and topics;
  • Excellent comprehension of political and organizational behavior, among them – modern concepts and tendencies of “managerial” behavior, its main theories and approaches, methodological and research principles;
  • Awareness on planning and implementing individual research projects

The Master Education Program in Applied Psychology is oriented for students to develop:

  • Skills to effectively apply gained knowledge in political and management/organizational psychology in practice and other skills necessary for productive work in applied psychology sphere;
  • Analytical vision and practical skills for the elaboration of effective strategies, research, and intervention;
  • Skills for planning and implementing individual research projects.

Field of Employment:

Graduates of Master Education Program in Applied Psychology will be able to use the knowledge in private as well as in state or international organizations where is a demand on competences in political or management/organizational psychology, these are the competencies, which the program develops. The program provides in-depth theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills that allow graduates to start successful careers in the sphere of political or management/organizational psychology, conduct research or practice within the sphere of applied psychology.

For details:

Marina Kvitsaridze, 

Cell: 595 959 096


Tuition fee:

Tuition fee for MA Program in Applied Psychology is 3500 GEL per year.


Each year two students with the best academic achievement are awarded the full scholarship.

In case of owning state grant (100%), a student pays 7000-4500=2500 GEL

Bank requisites:

SS „ TBC Bank“
Bank code: TBCB GE 22
Recipient – NNLE Georgian Institute of Public Affairs
Bank Account - GE84TB1100000110700419 / GEL

While payment please indicate ID number and program title

Through its academic courses, MA Programme in Applied Psychology provides students with both - theoretical knowledge as well practical skills. At lectures and seminars, together with theoretical materials, lecturers, who in their majority are leading specialists of the field, present and discuss practical issues and cases, most of which rely on their own practical work and/or research. Also, specially invited practitioners to share with students their experience. Particular focus is put on students’ active participation in the academic process – via presentations, discussions, debates, role-plays which, at the same time, contribute to the development of communication and team-work skills. Written assignments, given through the whole course in different forms of quizzes, open questions, reviews, projects, strengthen students’ knowledge base and academic writing skills. In culminating experiences, such as a thesis, students demonstrate synthesis of gained theoretical knowledge, research, and other practical skills. The programme curriculum and entire academic process prepare future master’s degree holders to effective work within the specialized domain.

Download the curriculum of Applied Psychology here

Marina Kvitsaridze

Cell: 595 959 096


Address: Tbilisi, Rustavi highway #22a