BA program in psychology offers students broad knowledge in different fields of psychology (cognitive and social psychology, personality psychology, etc.). Students get substantial knowledge of theories, models, constructs and theoretical and empirical studies in various psychological disciplines. They also gain understanding of the major trends in the development of psychological disciplines.
In addition, the students have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with different areas of applied psychology (organizational, educational, legal psychology, etc.) and learn how psychology can contribute to better functioning of organizations, education system, etc.
BA program in psychology is research oriented. Students participate in research projects and apply in practice the knowledge obtained in the corresponding psychological subjects.
I will learn:
I will learn what different psychological disciplines study, which theories and models they use to describe and explain mental activity, how they predict human behavior, what they want to find out and what kind of research they conduct to answer the questions they are interested in.
I will learn to plan and conduct research, develop and adapt the relevant instruments, process, describe and interpret the data, and draw corresponding conclusions.
I will develop presentation skills to use them in the academic space.
I will become
As a graduate of BA Program in Psychology, I will have the opportunity to work in the public and private sectors as
Admission Quota: 70
Program code: 1530109
Language of Study: Georgian
Mandatory Subjects for National Exams 2025 Admission:
1. Georgian language and literature
2. English
3. One of the following subjects: History, Mathematics, Biology
The Bachelor of Psychology is designed for individuals who have completed secondary
education and have successfully passed the Unified National Examinations.
Freshmen Registration
Registration of undergraduate students is carried out electronically:
Students should submit the following documents to register for the undergraduate program:
1. Required Admission Documents
Students should submit the following documents to register for the undergraduate program:
2. Student Contract Signing Procedures:
After the student has completed online registration, he/she must appear at the university (Tbilisi, Rustavi highway #22a).
Tuition Fee: 4200 GEL
During the first year, 1000 GEL funding is envisaged for all students with state grants (100%,70%, and 50%).
Fees for students with different amounts of state grants:
50% Grant
4200 - 1125 (50%) - 1000 (GIPA) = 2075 ₾
70% Grant
4500 - 1575 (70%) - 1000 (GIPA) = 1625 ₾
100% Grant
4500 - 2250 (100%) - 1000 (GIPA) = 950 ₾
Starting from the second academic year, scholarships are awarded to students with the highest academic achievements to cover their tuition fee for the following semester:
Payment instructions:
Bank Requisites:
JSC "TBC Bank"
Bank Code (MFO): TBCB GE 22
Name of the Recipient - NNLE Georgian Institute of Public Affairs
Account Number - GE84TB1100000110700419 / GEL
* In the appointment, indicate the student's name, surname, personal number, and the name of the study program.
Troy University (USA Troy/Alabama)
Northern Arizona University, NAU; (USA)
University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
The Hague University of Applied Sciences (Holland)
Lille Catholic University (France)
University of Wyoming (USA, Laramie, Wyoming)
University of Cagliari (Italy, Cagliari)
University of Perugia (Italy, Perugia)
University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia, Bratislava)
University of Economics, Prague (Czech Republic, Prague)
University of Dąbrowa Górnicza (Poland, Dąbrowa Górnicza)
Ekaterine Tsetskhladze
Coordinator of the Program
Mob: (+995) 593 026 026
Address: Tbilisi, Rustavi highway #22a