
04 February 2020 Exchange Programme at the Northern Arizona University (NAU)

Exchange Programme at the Northern Arizona University (NAU)

GIPA’s International Relations Department is announcing a call for selection of 1 best student to participate in the exchange programme at the Northern Arizona University.   Eligibility: The call is open for Bachelor students.   Note: Please, be advised that in order to be eligi ...

03 February 2020 Discussion on ''Hydroelectric Stations Policy''

Discussion on ''Hydroelectric Stations Policy''

On January 31, GIPA's School of Government  hosted a discussion on "Hydroelectric Stations Policy- Investments, Energy Independence or Ecological Disaster?" Invited Guests were- Davit Chipashvili- Economist, representative of "Green Alternative" NGO and Murman Margvelashvili- Energy expert ...

15 January 2020 Ms. Elizabeth Rood at GIPA

Ms. Elizabeth Rood at GIPA

On December 14, Ms. Elizabeth Rood,  Charge d’affairs of the United States to Georgia, met with students of the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA). During the meeting, Ms. Rood discussed specific components of the US-Georgia partnership, the current domestic political situation i ...

27 December 2019 Health policy - Effectiveness vs Fairness

Health policy - Effectiveness vs Fairness

Nowadays, in Georgia Happened Several current issues which attracted less attention than expected. The main thing is that Universities were involved in discussing the topics which are so important for society.   Since November, there were some discussions about the Health Policy, specially afte ...