Head of Business Administration BA Program / Professor

Vano Tsertsvadze

Head of Business Administration BA Program / Professor

Email: v.tsertsvadze@gipa.ge

Vano Tsertsvadze has been involved in economic studies since 2000. From this period till 2004 he participated in the study concerning of socio-economic infrastructural development of Tbilisi city. The project research area covered socio-demographic topics, transportation and emergency medical care services, gas, water and electricity tariffication policy issues.

Since 2004, Vano Tsertsvadze has been involved in economic evaluation studies in health and addiction field. During this period he participated in the cost-effectiveness study of evaluation mental health services, the impact of prohibition of tobacco use in the restaurant businesses, the cost-effectiveness evaluation of the syringes and needle exchange program in Georgia, the street drug testing effectiveness estimation, the evaluation of the drug related harm, which includes estimation of drug use costs, loss of productivity, low enforcement costs and etc.

In 2015, Vano Tsertsvadze participated in the George Mason University Exchange Program and one of the key components of his research since then, became decision-making models. Based on this approach, in 2019 Vano Tsertsvadze defended his doctoral thesis "Impact of Risk and Utility Discounting Factors on Behavioral Economic Models in Addiction Groups “The Impact of Risk and Benefit Discounting Factors on Models of Economic Behavior in Addictive Groups".

In addition to the economic research topics, Vano Tsertsvadze has also participated in the elibrarian project of digitalization Georgian manuscipts and literature implemented by the  National Parliamentary Library of Georgia. 


  • Behavioral economics
  • Methods of economic research and evaluation
  • Economics of migration
  • Quantitative research methods

Research and Publications:

  • Vano Tsertsvadze, Lali Khurtsia. Success and challenges of Georgian tobacco taxation policy. The Journal of Politics and Democratization, August 14, 2022. Online publication: ISSN 2449-2671
  • Vano Tsertsvadze, George Bakhturidze. Increase in excise duty on e-cigarette liquids in Georgia during 2021-2026. June 2021, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31656.08962
  • Vano Tsertsvadze, Lali Khurtsia. Education policy and effectiveness of the plagiarism detection system. Globalization and Business, №9, pp. 151-155. https://doi.org/10.35945/gb.2020.09.018
  • Vano Tsertsvadze, Lali Khurtsia Evaluation of effectiveness of public expenditures in psychiatric healthcare treatments in Georgia. Ecoforumjournal. ISSN:2344-2174 vol 9, #1 2020
  • Lali Khurtsia, Vano Tsertsvadze Regulation of Tobacco Consumption and Policy Challenges in Georgia. Globalization and Business July 2020
  • Lali Khurtsia, Vano Tsertsvadze Economic challenges of drug policy in Georgia, PressAcademia, RJBM, vol 6, #4 2019



  • Erasmus + CBHE: Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in Georgia higher education 01/01/2023-31/12/2027, role in the project - project partner coordinator
  • GIPA internal grant for textbook development - Social Policy 01/04/2023-01/11/2023
  • Project title: NCD Investment case - Estimations in frame of the NCD Investment Case in Georgia. role in the project - economic analysis, 2020. funded by WHO Georgia;
  • Project title: Strengthen tobacco control legislation in Georgia role in the project - economic analysis, 2020-2021, funded by Tobacco Free Kids
  • Project title: Effectiveness of antiplagiarism system in Georgian HEI’s, role in the project - project coordinator, 2019, funded by GIPA;
  • Project title: Entrepreneurial universities in Georgian educational environment, role in the project - project coordinator, 2019, funded by GIPA;
  • Project title: Movement against the institutional stigma in mental health, role in the project - economic analysis, 2017, funded by Open Society Georgia;
  • Project title: Measure of effectiveness of organization in GIPA, role in the project - coordinator, 2017, funded by GIPA;
  • Project title: Forecasting analysis of economic results in Restaurant business caused by prohibition of smoking, role in the project - Economist, 2016, funded by Open society;
  • Project title: Promoting Migration Studies in Higher Education. role in the project - curriculum developer, 2016-2020, funded by EU;
  • Project title: The development of human resources, evidence base and quality standards in addictology (trans-disciplinary addiction science) in Georgia. role in the project - project partner coordinator, 2013-2017, funded by EU;

Research interests:

Decision making models