Head of Bachelor of Audio-Visual Arts Program

Elene Asatiani

Head of Bachelor of Audio-Visual Arts Program

Email: e.asatiani@gipa.ge

A brief description of the experience

Elene Asatiani is an audio-visual storyteller, documentarian and editing director. Films edited by her have participated in film festivals: IDFA, Sundance, Cottbus, Tribeca and received prizes for the best international film, the best documentary film, etc.

She is also a faculty member at GIPA's School of Journalism. Associate Professor in Audiovisual Arts. Master of Journalism and Media Management. Bachelor of Film and TV Directing. She has more than 15 years of experience as a lecturer and is the editor and author of more than 20 feature and documentary films.

She also worked as an editor of the web publications "Hot Chocolate", "Liberal", "Indigo". She was the editor of "Saba" e-book house and worked on the creation and development of the application concept. She was the regional editor and multimedia production trainer of Internews regional media development program.


Training courses:

video production and editing;

post production;

multimedia production;

Transmedia project production;

final project colloquium;


She directed and edited these feature and documentary films:


Limitation (2023)

Brighton 4th (2021)

Their Valley (2021)

Dead Souls’ Vacation (2020)

Golden Thread (2019)

Gogita’s New Life (2016)

Jara (2016)

The Way (2015)