EU-supported Akhalkalaki Regional Development Project Initiates Educational and Cultural Activities for Ethnic Minorities

10 October, 2019

9 October 2019, Akhalkalki – support of integration of the ethnic minority population via organizing of cultural and educational events is the main aim of the memorandum of cooperation signed between the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA), LLC Sun Petroleum Georgia (Gulf Georgia) and National Library of Georgia. Number of events will be organized in Akhalkalki municipality with main focus on youth and women in the framework of EU-supported project “Promoting a New Rural Development Approach in Akhalkalaki.”

The ceremony was held in the Independence Hall of the National Library of Georgia and attended by the Akhalkalaki Local Action Group (LAG) representatives. The successful participants of the training center of the Akhalkalki LAG were also attended the event. Cooperation was conceptualized by GIPA together with National Library of Georgia and Gulf Georgia.

“GIPA as an educational institution, always ready to conceptualize and implement innovative projects to respond the most important issues in the regions. Supporting youth and women, encouraging local ethnic minorities for socio-economic integration through culture and education is the current priority for all of us. My deepest respect to National Library of Georgia and Gulf Georgia for their contribution! To participate into Equilibrium program and Sunday School (designed for Akhalkalaki minorities) is a great honor for Akhalkalaki Municipality locals. It is access to world- wide education and culture. – mentioned Nana Kashakashvili, the head of the Department of Rural Development and Vocational Education (DRDVE/GIPA).

The Project “Promoting a New Rural Development Approach in Akhalkalaki” is implemented by the DRDVE of GIPA. Project partners are Mercy Corps, ELVA and West Cork Development Partnership. Project is financed in the framework of European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD). 

The European Union is supporting agriculture and rural development in Georgia through ENPARD Programme. Implemented since 2013 the main goal of ENPARD is to reduce rural poverty in the country. For more information please visit