
Salome Dumbadze

Invited Lecturer

Email: salome.dumbadze@gipa.ge

A brief description of the experience

Ph.D. student enrolled in “Positive Psychology – Empirical Research” doctoral program at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, M.A. in Applied Psychology from Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, and B.A. in Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology from Jacobs University Bremen. 

Her practical experience related to higher educational institutions includes various teaching and research positions since 2019. She is  the invited lecturer at Georgian Instutite of Public Affairs, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, and Georgian National University. Additionally, she has experience as a researcher at Tbilisi Stata Medical University’s “Psychological Set Research and Correction Center”, is one of the members of Reswell Muti-national Resilience and Well-being Research Collaboration at Tel Aviv University, and participated as a chief analyst in research projects led by Georgian Institute of Public Affairs. She is a co-author of 7 scientific publications. 

Her earlier roles include serving as  child protection trainer  at World Vision Georgia, coach at Ultimate Coaching Solutions (LLC). Senior Specialist at the State Fund for Protection and Assistance of Victims of Human Trafficking, and State Care Agency. She has served as a positive parenting expert and a trainer at Prevention for Progress NGO, contributing to a UNICEF-funded project aimed at enhancing the juvenile referral mechanism for children below the minimum age of criminal responsibility. 


  • Academic Writing
  • Quantitative data analysis using SPSS
  • Statistics 1 (Descriptive statistics)
  • Statistics 2 (Inferential statistics)
  • Positive Psychology in Social Context

Research and Publications: 

  • Kaim, A., Kimhi, S., Siman-Tov, M., Bankauskaite, D., Baran, M., Baran, T., Cosciug, A., Eshel, Y., Dumbadze, S., Gabashvili, M., Jiglau, G., Kaniasty, K., Koubova, A., Marciano, H., Renata, M., Matichescu, M., Naomi, S., Teperik, D., Sukhashvili, J., … Adini, B. (2024). From compassion to controversy: Unraveling the impact of societal resilience on the tapestry of attitudes towards Ukrainian refugees. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 104326. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104326
  • Kimhi, S., Kaim, A., Bankauskaite, D., Baran, M., Baran, T., Eshel, Y., Dumbadze, S., Gabashvili, M., Kaniasty, K., Koubova, A., Marciano, H., Matkeviciene, R., Teperik, D., & Adini, B. (2023). A full‐scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022: Resilience and coping within and beyond Ukraine. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. https://doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12466
  • Chkheidze, T., Dumbadze, S., Avaliani, S. Akhobadze, I., Aronia, M., & Chechelashvili, K. (2023). Variables related to vaccination against COVID-19.  (In print: International Journal of Psychology). 
  • Dumbadze, S., Avaliani, S., & Akhobadze, I. (2022) Development of Health Beliefs Model (HBM) Scale to Study Attitudes towards COVID-19 Vaccine. Georgian Psychological Journal,  4 (1), 24-35. https://doi.org/10.52340/gpj.2022.08.04
  • Tskhvedadze, N., Amaglobeli Kh., Chochua, N., Dumbadze, S., Zakaraya, I. (2022). A research report was carried out within the framework of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia program for the promotion of higher educational institutions - the project of the Sukhumi State University "Supporting the platform of psychological and social services of students". Publishing house Universal, Tbilisi.
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). (2021) Resilience during COVID-19 outbreak in Georgia: perceived causes and alleviation of low individual resilience, distress, and anxiety in IDP and non-IDP women. 
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (2020) Resilience During COVID-19: comparing internally displaced persons with the local population. 

Research interests: 

Resilience, resilience interventions, stress coping strategies, decision making, Big Five personality traits, positive parenting