
Natia Iordanishvili

Invited Lecturer

Email: n.iordanishvili@forestry.gov.ge

A brief description of the experience

Doctoral candidate in forestry, M.A. from Georgian State Agrarian University, graduated from GIPA’s master’s program in Environmental Policy and Management, certified from international educational programs and trainings (US Forest Service, Colorado State University Protected Areas Management Center, etc.). 

Working for LEPL National Forestry Agency of Georgia as a Deputy Head. Her over 20 years of experience in the forestry sector covers practical management and academic field. Experienced in the preparation of laws on environmental protection, forestry and different legal documents regarding conservation and use of natural resources. Experienced in preparation of institutional reforms in forestry sector, methodology for forest management planning. Participated in numerous international meetings devoted to global environmental problems. 


  • Forest Resource Management

Research and Publications: 

  • Iordanishvili N, Zedgenidze V, Asatiani T (2021), Forester’s Guide”, the textbook for VET students 
  • Iordanishvili N. Gagoshidze G Development of „ACER VELUTINUM BOISS in Kvemo Kartli Region. International scientific-practical journal, XI Global Science and innovations 2020: Central Asia. 2020
  • Iordanishvili. N (2019) Integrated Systems of Forestry Sector Development, Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
  • Iordanishvili N (2016) Manual for forest workers (textbook for VET students)


06.2017-11.2019 – European Union Twinning project “Strengthening Sustainable Management of Forests in Georgia’’, Focal point

06.2016-12.2019 - FAO/UNECE, "Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in Central Asia and South Caucasus", member of country working group.

05.2013-12.2019 – BMZ, ADA, GIZ ,“Integrated Biodiversity Management, South Caucasus (IBiS), country representative.

01.2013-01.2018- Funded by EU and Austrian government, WB, IUCN, WWF, “ENPI FLEG II - the Second Program aiming to improve forest law enforcement and governance in the Forestry sector”. National Advisory Board member

Research interests: 

Climate change, Climate change impact and modeling, Forest ecosystems vulnerability and adaptation