Academic Staff

Tamar Zurabishvili

Associate Professor


Ph.D. in Sociology (Ilia State University). MA degrees in Media Studies (New School University) and Sociology (Manchester University). Diplomas in Journalism (International Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University) and Sociology (Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences). She has over 25 years of teaching experience in higher education institutions in Georgia. During these years, she has carried out sociological research and projects using both quantitative and qualitative and mixed research methodologies. In parallel with teaching, she has experience in project management.



  • Quantitative social research methods;
  • Qualitative

Research and Publications:

  • Tinatin Zurabishvili, Tamar Zurabishvili. (Forthcoming.) “Alternative” motherhood in transnational families: Experiences and emotional challenges.” In: Vladimer Gamsakhurdia, ed. Presenting oneself as a migrant: Implications for the proculturation theory. Information Age Publishing.
  • Zakaria Tavberidze, Anna Margvelashvili and Tamar Zurabishvili. 2023. Individual vs community resilience: Case of Georgia. Tudásmenedzsment, 24(4. különszám), 60–72.
  • Margvelashvili, A., Zurabishvili, T. & Murgulia, Sh., (2022). Satemo Jgufebisa da Proeqtebis Socialuri Gavlenis Kvleva [Study about the social impact of CBOs and their projects]. Georgian Center For Strategy and Development (CSRDG).


Research interests:

Gender and migration, Sociology of migration, Nationalism, Media studies, Community activism and social change.