Executive Director (CEO) of the National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT), with over 23 years of experience in official statistics, including more than 8 years in senior management, he brings extensive expertise in national statistics and project leadership. He has over 15 years of hands-on experience with international projects, working both as a consultant and project leader, including leading the EU Twinning project with some EU countries to strengthen the National Statistical System (NSS) in Georgia.
His background includes practical expertise in policy planning, economics, management, statistical analysis, uncertainty analysis, reforms, assessments, and monitoring and evaluation. Since 2010, he has also taught statistics and economics at various universities, contributing to academic research and advancing statistical knowledge. In 2022, he became a full professor at Caucasus International University, where he teaches courses on statistics, probability theory, and mathematical statistics.
He maintains strong professional relationships with the public sector, administrative data providers, private data sources, international organizations, and the donor community. Known for his effective communication and social skills, he works collaboratively with a broad range of stakeholders. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics (Statistics).
- Statistics in Economics and Business
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
- Statistics of International Economic Relations
- International Business Statistics
- Professional Skills (module of statistics)
Research and Publications (last 5):
- A monograph: "Sustainable Energy Statistics in Georgia", 2017, Author “MERIDIANI” Publishers.
- Teaching manual "Demographic and Social Statistics of the Regions of Georgia (Topic 9. Statistics of Religion by Regions of Georgia)", Author “MERIDIANI” Publishers (ENG), Tbilisi, Georgia, 202
- International manual: "Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers", co-author, New York and Geneva, 2015 UNECE
- Publication: "European Energy Union and Georgian Energy Reforms", Co-author, 2017
- Article: "Why Statistics Matters?", Author, RA JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH ISSN: 2394-6709 DOI:10.33826/rajar/v6i5.01 Volume: 06, 2019
- EU Twinning Project between GEOSTAT and Statistics Finland, Germany and Italy - "Capacity Building of the Georgian National Statistical System", Position: Project leader;
- EU Twinning Project between GEOSTAT and Statistics Denmark - "Capacity Building of the Georgian National Statistical System", Position: Project manager;
- Governance Reform Fund (GRF) Initiative - "Strengthen Geostat Infrastructure and Capacity Building", Position: Project manager
- Cooperation project between GEOSTAT and Statistics Sweden, Position: Business statistics component leader (business register, business surveys, sampling methodology)
- "First Report of Georgia to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changes (UNFCCC)", Position: Uncertainty expert / analyst
- EU program TACIS - "Reform of official statistics in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia", Position: Component manager (component C11 – Business Statistics)
Research interests:
Official statistics; Statistics in economics and business; Administrative data sources; Alternative data sources; Fundamental principles of official statistics; Use of artificial intelligence in the process of producing official statistics.