Doctor of Life Sciences and an expert in high-mountain ecology. Primarily works in the academic sector. Earned a doctoral degree from Ilia State University. Participates in international environmental projects and has been coordinating a significant international project for 17 years. His research interests include high-mountain ecology and the impact of climate change on biodiversity.
He is the author of 10 publications and has supervised several master's theses. Currently, he is a visiting lecturer at Ilia State University and an associate professor at the Institute for Public Affairs.
Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development – Global Climate Change and Policy Management.
Research and publications (last 5 years):
1. Knollova I,. Chytry M,. Bruelheide H,. Dullinger S,. et al,. Gigauri Kh., et al., (2024)-ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e 13235. (Impact Factor: 2.2)
2. Gigauri O., Abdaladze A,. Bakhia, Z,.Asanidze & A. Mamedova (2022)-The first results of the 3rd cycle of Global Monitoring GLORIA Network of the Central Great Caucasus. Bocconea 29: 103-119, Version of Record published online on 5 August 2022
3. Jonas Lembrechts, Johan van Den Hoogen, Juha Aalto, Michael Ashcroft, Pieter De Frenne, Julia Kemppinen, Martin Kopecký,Miska Luoto, Miguel de Pablo, Stefano Chiesa, Christian Stiegler, Jürgen Dengler, Bart Deronde, Patrice Descombes, Valter Di Cecco, Michele Di Musciano, Jan Dick, Romina Dimarco, Jiri Dolezal, Ellen Dorrepaal, Jiří Dušek, Hamid Ejtehadi, Lars Eklundh, Brian Enquist, Mohammad Erfanian, Todd Erickson, Brigitta Erschbamer, Werner Eugster, Robert Ewers, Dan Exton, Nicolas Fanin, Fatih Fazlioglu, Iris Feigenwinter, Giuseppe Fenu, Olga Ferlian, Rosa Calzado, Eduardo Fernández-Pascual, Manfred Finckh, Rebecca Higgens, T'ai Forte, Erika Freeman, Esther Frei, Eduardo Fuentes-Lillo, María García, Rafael García, Charly Géron, Mana Gharun, Dany Ghosn, Khatuna Gigauri et all. (2022)Global map of soil temperature, Global Change Biology DOI: 10.32942/ (Impact Factor: 13.211)
4. Jolokhava T., Abdaladze O., Gigauri Kh., Kikvidze Z., (2021)-Gradient analysis of soil-plant interactions from the alpine-nival ecotone to the snowline on slopes of the Central Great Caucasus (Kazbegi Region, Georgia). Ukrainian Botanical Journal 73(3): 163-175
5. Bürli S., Theurillat J-P., Winkler M., Lamprecht A., Pauli H., Rixen Ch., Steinbauer K., Wipf S., Abdaladze O., Andrews CH., Barančok P., Benito-Alonso J. L., Fernández Calzado M. R., Carranza M. L., Dick J., Erschbamer B., Ghosn D., Gigauri Kh., Kazakis G., Mallaun M., Michelsen O., Moiseev D., Moiseev P., Molau U., Molero Mesa J., Morra di Cella U., Nadeem I., Nagy L., Nicklas L., Palaj A., Pedersen B., Petey M., Puşcaş M., Rossi G., Stanisci A., Tomaselli M., Unterluggauer P.,Ursu T-M., Villar L. & Vittoz P. (2021) A common soil temperature threshold for the upper limit of alpine grasslands in European mountains Alpine Botany 131(1): 1-12. DOI: 10.1007/s00035-021-00250-1 (Impact Factor: 2.515)
6. Jonas J. Lembrechts1, Juha Aalto2,3, Michael B. Ashcroft4,5, Pieter De Frenne6, Martin Kopecký7,8, Jonathan Lenoir9, Miska Luoto3, Ilya M. D. Maclean10, Olivier Roupsard11,12, Eduardo Fuentes-Lillo13,14,15,1, Rafael A. García13,14, Loïc Pellissier16,17, Nina Buchmann56, Jiri Dolezal7,57, Radim Matula8, Andrew D. Thomas58, Joseph J. Bailey59, Dany Ghosn60, George Kazakis60, Miguel Angel de Pablo61, Julia Kemppinen3, Pekka Niittynen3, Lisa Rew62, Tim Seipel62, Christian Larson62, James D. M. Speed63, Jonas Ardö64, Nicoletta Cannone65, Mauro Guglielmin66, Francesco Malfasi66, Maaike Y. Bader67, Rafaella Canessa67, Angela Stanisci68, Juergen Kreyling24, Jonas Schmeddes24, Laurenz Teuber24, Valeria Aschero69,70, Marek Čiliak71, František Máliš72, Pallieter De Smedt6, Sanne Govaert6, Camille Meeussen6, Pieter Vangansbeke6, Khatuna Gigauri73 et all. (2020) ”SoilTemp: a global database of near-surface temperature”. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15123 (Impact Factor: 8.555)
• Since 2005: Coordinator of the international project Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA-WORLDWIDE) – co-funded by the European Union.
• Since 2019: Participant in the international project SoilTemp – Towards a Global Database of Microclimate.
• May 20, 2022 – October 30, 2022: Researcher in the project “A Micro-Scale Perspective on Alpine Floras Under Climate Change: Linking Observations and Models to Improve Our Understanding of the Future of European High Mountain Plants (MICROCLIM)”.
Research Interests:
• Global climate change and its impact on Georgia’s biodiversity.