Academic Staff

Tamta Tsintsadze

Associate Professor


Associate Professor, Ph.D, trainer, coach, and media expert, possessing skills in interpersonal communication, public speaking, crisis communication management, and propaganda research/specialization. With over 20 years of experience in academic activities and more than 15 years in media, including managerial roles, the individual has authored training courses covering effective communication techniques, applied synergy/multimodal text and its management, and personal image construction and management. Dedicated to assisting professionals in enhancing their effective communication skills in everyday work scenarios.

Teaching courses:

  • Presentation skills.
  • Interpersonal communication - process management.
  • Techniques for effective camera work.
  • Achieving positive goals, self-organization, and motivation enhancement.
  • Decoding the Message - Understanding transmission text.
  • Propaganda: Identification and Management.
  • Academic speech and oratorical art.
  • Self-presentation and effective public speaking.
  • Personal image management.

Research and Publications:

  • T. Tsintsadze, "The Modern Multimodal Phrase," presented at the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ARTS RESEARCHERS.
  • T. Tsintsadze, "The Modern Multimodal Phrase," published in the International Journal of Arts and Media Research.

Research interests focus on positive communication and self-organization, propaganda, and image communication.