
Eka Chabashvili

Associate Professor

Email: eka.chabashvili@tsc.edu.ge

A brief description of the experience:

Composer, Doctor of Musical Arts, Associate Professor at the Tbilisi State Conservatory (composition department).
Eka Chabashvili’s compositions are performed in different parts of the world; She is frequently invited to international
festivals. Eka is prizewinner of the international competitions. She receives commissions from Georgian and foreign
performers. The composer is engaged in cinema and theatre (ballet) music genres. It is of no coincidence that Eka
Chabashvili’s works got positive feedback from the well-known German composer K. Stockhausen.
As a researcher, Eka Chabashvili studies problems of contemporary music, syncretism of visual art and music,
ecomusicology. She is an author of the multi-topophonic composition technique and atomic-nuclear music system —
issues covered in Georgian and foreign publications. She took part in various international scientific conferences; and
has been invited to conduct master classes of composition at the Parma Conservatoire, Iceland University of the Arts,
Lund, Capital (Columbus), New York, Tufts, and Harvard universities.
By Eka Chabashvili’s initiative, experimental theatre of musical instruments “SENSUS”, “Contemporary Music Festival”
and “Woman and Music” festival, as well as a “Contemporary Music Development Center” has been established. She
implemented various innovative projects. Among them, she conducted an experimental multimedia project
Symphony/Exhibition “KHMA” and created a new musical sculpture instrument. Also, organized a special online
educational project “Music Internet Academy” for the “COVID-19” pandemic period. she was the coordinator of the
Fundamental project “Development of Artistic Research Methodology on the Example of Exploration of the 21st
Century Piano and its Future Perspectives”. She conducted the first official “Artistic Research” in Georgia together
with pianists Nino Jvania and Tamar Zhvania; Within the mentioned project, she invented the modified piano
“ModEkAl” which was supported by piano master Alexandre Zirakashvili; The book “Artistic research: Philosophy and
Practice” including DVD of her piano piece composed within the project was published in February 2022. At present
she conducts fundamental research “Implementation of Ecomusicology Research Methodology for the Study of the
Georgian Music Ecosystem”.


• Artistic research methodology
• Multimedia composition
• Music in cinema
• Music and sound in film, performance and multimedia
• Relationship of light, color and sound
• Music and sound in cinema
• Specialty class in composition
• Theory of composition
• Notation computer program
• Composition/composition and pedagogical workshops

• Orchestration
• Legal knowledge
• History of orchestral styles
• Reading the score
• Film music and k/film music. Design technology
• Timbres and percussion theater
• Musical decoration of the play
• Contemporary choral music repertoire and performance techniques (in accordance with the research
• Cinema and theater music
• Techniques of orchestration in modern and recent music
• 20th century compositional techniques
• Computer music
• 20th century musical repertoire and performance
• Academic and applied music in cinema
• Musicology, orchestration, score reading (in accordance with the research topic)
• Dissertation work

Research and Publications:

• Chabashvili E., Virsaladze M., “Innovative Contributions of Georgian Composer Nodar Mamisashvili
within the Realm of Ecomusicology” Pro-Georgia, Journal of Kartvelological studies, 2024, vol. 34,9–21,
• Chabashvili E., Sound eco-system in urban and non-urban environment of Georgia and "sound oases" "VI
International Scientific Conference Culture and Art: Research and Management", Batumi Art State
Teaching University’s Publishing, 2023
• Jvania N., Chabashvili E., Zhvania T. (2022), მხატვრული კვლევა. ფილოსოფია და პრაქტიკა/Artistic
Research. Philosophy and Practice. Publishing House "Universe", 2022
• Chabashvili E., Jvania N., Zhvania T, “Eco Piano ModEkAl”, “New Sound” International Journal of Music
59 (1), University of Arts, Department of Musicology - Faculty of Music, Belgrade I/2022, გვ.50-70
• “A Piece of Music as a Result of the Artistic Research”, The World conference on Research in Social
Sciences , Diamond Scientific Publication, Rome, Italy, 2020


• 2023-25 -fundamental research "Implementation of ecomusicology research methodology for the study of
Georgian music ecosystem" (FR-22-8174) Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia, project
• 2023 - "Artistic study: Nodar Mamisashvili - modern Georgian Leonardo da Vinci" (for the publication of
N. Mamisashvili's book "Mystic Anatomy"), Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia, author of
the project

• 2022 - "Experimental installation "Voice" - II stage", Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia,
author of the project
• 2022 - project - "European Silk Road app", Callias Foundation, Berlin
• 2019-2022 - fundamental research "Development of creative (artistic) research methodology for the 21st
century piano and its future perspective" (FR-18-4275), Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of
Georgia, project coordinator

Research interests:

• Artistic Research
• Ecomusicology and eco music
• Audio-visual art
• Timbre and instrumentation
• Composition techniques
• Interdisciplinary studies related to music