School of Applied Politics

20 December, 2016

School of Applied Politics

Under the patronage of the president of Georgia, GIPA announces admission at “School of Applied Politics” Program lasts for one year and aims at providing interested people with academic knowledge and relevant skills in Politics. Courses are delivered by leading Georgian experts in the fields of Economics, Law, Politics, Security, Diplomacy and Public relations.

The program consists of two parts:

  • Academic_ within this part of the program listeners will get basic academic knowledge

necessary for professional politician in all directions referring active political career.

  • Laboratory_ Listeners, together with a moderator will work through current local foreign and global political topics analysis and forecast, scenarios of developing future events. Recommendations on state development issues will be developed. Process will be competitive based on team and individual work, with relevant rewards for raising motivation.

Program is unique and outstanding taking into consideration high qualification and professionalism of experts involved, with summer school and simulation cases and role games. Program content provides opportunity for participants to evaluate current political events, based on competences and skills equipped through the program, to create intellectual capitals and participate in occurring public and political processes.

The program includes five learning modules:

  1. Economics_ Giorgi Bakradze
  2. Law_ David Jandieri
  3. Security _Nodar Kharshiladze
  4. Diplomacy _Tornike Sharashenidze
  5. Political PR _Inga Grigolia

Through each module participants will be aware of:


This course will discuss the following issues: Basic economic terms; supply –demand basics; state interfere in Economics (price control and tax); National income and measuring its real and nominal value; Consumer price index and inflation; unemployment; money and inflation; Open Economics and Revenue Balance; Joint supply demand and macroeconomics policy; National Bank of Georgia, its role and functions; Exchange rates formation in different periods; Dollarization;


The course aims at introducing students to the key aspects of national security, its basics and system; the importance of strategic vision while planning national security of the country; Students will learn how national security policy is enforced in reality; How international security system is arranged; The role and importance of resources of the country while enforcing national security policy. The course includes establishment of Georgian national security policy today and prospects of its development in light of existing challenges, needs and resources;


The course covers the following issues: Fundamental principles of constitution; Introducing and comparing Constitutional models. Public Authority organization and Functioning Issues, determined by the Constitution (Parliament of Georgia, the President of Georgia, the Government of Georgia, the Judiciary); Autonomous republics of Georgia; Election system of Georgia and election law; The concept of international treaty; Human rights protection; Local government; Public service in Georgia;

Administrative Management Model of Georgia - Procedure for issuing and executing an administrative-legal act by administrative bodies, reviewing administrative complaints and applications, preparation of the administrative transaction, conclusion and execution.



The course will introduce students to Diplomacy and its practical aspects. Will be discussed classic methods of famous diplomats, their cases and experience. Attention will be drawn to identify parallels and conduct analyses of world and regional politics. During the course students will be equipped with skills of finding ways for solving modern problems with classic methods and evaluation.


Political PR

During the course participants will learn necessary skills to communicate with public and media. The course is practical so students will apply their knowledge in practice, learn techniques of political debate and present their own position.

Priority will be given to those candidates who hold BA or MA degree, who has ambition and interest to understand political events and to contribute in the development of democratic Georgia. Main focus will be made on motivation.

Standard of competition is really high, because participation in this course require much time and concentration from participants, consequently attendance will be controlled.

Lectures are delivered three times a week (2 week days _evening hours and Saturday _daytime)

Admission procedures:

  • Application submission/selection
  • Interviews with admission commission

Only short listed candidates will be invited to the interview.

Interested individuals should submit the following documents:

  • CV
  • Motivation video speech (time limit _3 minutes) or motivation letter)

Priority will be given to those applicants who will send video speech.

Sources to share the videos are:
For Gmail users - (upload to Drive and share)

For additional information please contact:

Applications deadline: December 20

Participants of School of practical politics will be fully funded from President’s foundation. Consequently this program will be free for young people 21-35 who will meet selection criteria.