20 March, 2017


 Georgian Institute of Public Affairs announce a contest for the GIPA-Friedman prize in journalism.

The eligible pieces should be published between 20 May of 2016 and 1 June of 2017. Submitted applications will be examined by the jury which will include the representatives of media as well as academia. The prizes will be awarded by the Pulitzer Prize winner - Joshua Friedman.

The prize money totals 1500 Euros. Applications for the contest must be submitted no later than 1 June.

Following criteria will be taken into consideration in the examination process: the principles of fairness, balanced approach, diversity of sources and the lack of biasness in the language. The pieces participating in the contest should discuss an issue that is important to the country and immediately affects the society or its various subgroups. The submitted work should illustrate the effect that this particular issue had on the people. The piece should communicate the problem and the related injustice in a direct and clear manner and present the unfolding events in a way that is attractive to the readers, listeners or viewers. The work must exhibit author’s skills in research, analysis and interviewing. The presented piece should be covering the individuals who were affected by the problem as well as those, responsible for its resolution.

The project is implemented  by the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs. Funded through the Democracy Outreach Program, U.S. Embassy in Georgia

Application documents and the pieces for the contest are to be submitted to the GIPA Caucasus School of Journalism and Media Management.

Application form

Address: 2 Marie Brosset, third floor. Tbilisi, Georgia.

Contact person:

 Tiko Tsomaia

Cell: 599502446