On July 20, an event concerning environmental protection “I want to breathe” was held in National Botanical Garden

20 July, 2016

An event concerning environmental protection “I want to breathe” was held in National Botanical Garden of Georgia, on July 20, at 8:00 pm. The event was organized by masters of PR of Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA), with the support of Auto Importer’s Union. The photos on the topics of air pollution and landscaping were exhibited during the event. The aim of the event is to raise awareness and highlight the problem of air pollution caused by motor vehicles. An engine of one car consumes 45 times more oxygen than a person. One of the main components of car exhaust gases is carbon dioxide, which merges with blood hemoglobin and interferes with penetration of oxygen into the body tissues. At the end of the event, participants released their wishes and grey balloons into the air, as a symbol of air pollution.