- The bachelor’s programme in law is designed for the individuals who have completed the secondary education and successfully passed the Unified National Examination.
- Master’s programmes are for the individuals holding a bachelor’s degree who have passed the minimum threshold on the Unified Master’s Examination.
Those wishing to apply to the master’s programme should submit the following documents:
- Filled out application form
- Copy of the Bachelor’s diploma (for the master’s program in law candidates need to have an undergraduate law degree)
- Copy of the personal identification card
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
The documents are to be submitted to the School of Law and Politics at the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs.
Internal University-administered admissions exams will be held in the following order:
International Law Programme
- Written exam in English (TOEFL)
- Interview with the admissions committee
International Relations Programme
- Written exam in IR
- Interview with the admissions committee
Selection criteria:
- Work experience
- Analytical reasoning skills
- Motivation
- General knowledge of the specific field of study