Stop the Violence

05 December, 2014

Stop violence against women! – with this slogan Georgian Institute of Public Affairs will join the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and offers to citizens to participate in the search for ways of overcoming the problem.

December 4th radio GIPA (FM 94.3) show was devoted to the issue of violence reporting in Georgian media. We provide records of the interviews:

Tiko Tsomaia Georgian media reporting about femicide:

Giorgi Tughushi about the state’s vision about violence prevention and response:

Media analysts (Nino Danelia and Anna Keshelashvili) about the violence reporting trends in media:

How does the Journalistic ethic chertier respond to gaps in violence issues’ reporting:

A concluding interview with the professor Maia Mikashavidze (Caucasus School of Journalism and Media-management):


After the broadcast in "Frontline Club", with GIPA’s faculty and invited guests, there will be held a discussion on the following topics:

• What is violence;

• The government's role in preventing violence.

GIPA - is actively involved in the fight against violence and in the future will apply other activities as well.


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