The Integrated Socio-Economic Zone and Professional Training Center (ISEZ)

14 May, 2010

The Integrated Socio-Economic Zone (ISEZ) was established in the village of Shindisi, located in the Shida Kartli region, with financial support from UNHCR and the State Minister’s Office for Reintegration.

ISEZ was conceived with a broader, long-term vision to address the socio-economic rehabilitation of areas affected by the 2008 military conflict in Georgia, specifically targeting the Shida Kartli region. The project aimed to restore and improve agricultural and agro-business productivity, ultimately increasing the income of communities impacted by the conflict. To achieve this goal, ISEZ was developed as a secure, multi-functional complex. It included a cold storage facility for locally grown produce and a professional training center offering courses in cold storage systems, agro-business management, arts, crafts, and many other areas with employment driven potential for the local community.

Project period: 2009-2010