The Human Rights Week at GIPA

04 December, 2019

The Human Rights Week is annually organized in December under the coordination of the Free University of Tbilisi.  The goal of the Human Rights Week is to provide students and youth with an up to date information and current challenges about the Human Rights, as well as to promote the active exchange of ideas and thoughts about Human Rights Law through the collaboration of universities. The participating universities believe that a joint effort can lead to a wider public discussion on problematic human rights issues and the promotion of dignity, freedom, and equality before the law in Georgia.


Human Rights Week 2019 takes place from 2 – 10 December and will be hosted by 15 Georgian universities. Discussion topics will cover ongoing challenges in the field of Human Rights in Georgia.


Human Rights Week is held by the generous support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) program “Promoting the Rule of Law in Georgia” (USAID-PROLoG), Open Society Foundation and German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).