
Tsotne Tchanturia

Associate Professor

Email: tsotne.tchanturia@gipa.ge

Tsotne Tchanturia is a PhD in Political Science from Corvinus University of Budapest, a Master of European Studies from the European University of Flensburg, and a Bachelor of Political Sciences from Tbilisi State University. He has gained practical experience in scientific research institutions, higher education institutions, and secondary schools, holding positions as a researcher, lecturer, and teacher. From 2015 to 2018, he served as a research coordinator at the Cold War History Research Center in Budapest and continues to collaborate with the center remotely. Since 2019, he has been invited as a lecturer at various higher educational institutions, including GIPA, Caucasus University, and the University of Georgia. Additionally, he serves as a guest teacher at the British-Georgian school in Tbilisi. Since February 2024, he is an Associate Professor at GIPA.


  • Introduction to philosophy;
  • History of diplomacy;
  • History of world civilization;
  • Cold War history;
  • The Changing Role of International Organisations: The League and the UN, 1919-c2011;
  • The USA, 1918-41;
  • Germany: Development of Dictatorship, 1918-45;
  • Russia and the Soviet Union, 1905-1924;
  • History of Georgia.

Research and Publications: 

Tchanturia, T. (TBD): The Soviet recognition of the Baltic independence: the context of Gorbachev’s concession. Köz-Gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy, TBD.

Tchanturia, T. (TBD): Georgia Dealing with its Soviet Past: History as Mobilizing Tool in the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict. Köz-Gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy, TBD. 

Tchanturia, T. (2021): Structural and Conjunctural Factors of Gorbachev’s Concessionary Policies vis-à-vis East Central Europe and the Baltic Republics. PhD thesis, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem: https://phd.lib.uni-corvinus.hu/1208/ 

ჭანტურია, ც. (2021): კრემლის ბუფერული  სისტემა ცივი ომის დროინდელ ევროპაში: რა ცვლილებებია  დღევანდელი მდგომარეობით და რა არჩევანის წინაშე დგანან „აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის“  ქვეყნები? ნაწილი 1. რუსეთის კვლევის ცენტრი: https://www.crs.ge/en/critique-geo/tsotne-chanturia-02 

ჭანტურია, ც. (2021): გორბაჩოვის ფონდის საარქივო მასალების კვლევისათვის. რუსეთის კვლევის ცენტრი: https://www.crs.ge/critique-geo/tstotne-chanturia-01 

Tchanturia, T. (2019): In Search for the Post-Cold War Modus Vivendi in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe, Brolly – Journal of Social Sciences 2(3): 91-107

Tchanturia, T. (2019): The Nationality Politics of 1989 in the Soviet Union according to the Gorbachev Foundation archives, Köz-gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy 14(3): 136-149

Bekés, C. – Kalmár, M. (eds.) – Tchanturia, T. (assist. ed.) et al. (2019): Students of the Cold War: New Findings and Interpretations, Budapest: Corvinus University of Budapest / Komáromi Printing and Publishing LTD.

Bekés, C. (ed.) – Tchanturia, T. – Puga, V. (assist. eds.) et al. (2019): The Bibliography of New Cold War  History: Third enlarged edition, Budapest: Cold War History Research Center.

Tchanturia, T. – Puga, V. (2018): Media and Internal Security beyond the Liberal Narrative: The cases of Ecuador and Georgia, Davit Aghmashenebeli National Defense Academy Proceedings 7(1): 96-108

Research interests: 

Cold War history; Détente; the German new Ostpolitik; the Gorbachev period; disintegration of the Soviet Union; consolidation of authoritarian regimes; Central and Eastern Europe.